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Jigsaw Admin on
January 12th, 20171/12/17 |
A while back I chanced upon a Thrillist article titled “Why You Should Never End a Text Message with a Period.” In it, the author discussed a Binghamton University study which determined that the use — or omission — of a period in a brief text message can actually alter the recipient’s interpretation. Consider: Are you mad […]
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Jigsaw Admin on
December 20th, 201612/20/16 |
“How did it get so late so soon? It’s night before its afternoon. December is here before its June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?”– Dr. Seuss Time is precious. And so are children. Even when they both get messy. This holiday season, the Jigsaw team […]
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Jigsaw Admin on
May 28th, 20155/28/15 |
So today is National Hamburger Day. I only just now learned this, otherwise I would have celebrated with a burger for lunch instead of a stupid salad. But now I need to find some other way to mark the occasion. Actually, it does get me thinking about the well-covered Hamburglar buzz from a few weeks […]
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Jigsaw Admin on
May 1st, 20155/1/15 |
Is Dove’s latest campaign a masterful peek into female psychology, or yet another narrow attempt to sell products in the name of female empowerment? Seems the jury is still out. But many are not afraid to voice their opinions on what is arguably the most talked about video to have come out in recent memory. […]